12th-13th-14th-15th April 2011, Iasi


On 12th April the 6th Workshop began, in the framework of the YES (Youth Educational Systems) Project - Comenius regio, financed by the LLP Programme of the DG “Education and Culture” of the European Commission. Topic of this Workshop is “Conflict Management within pupils’ groups”

The delegation of the Emilia-Romagna regional Consortium arrived in Iasi (Romania) to attend the learning and best-practice-exchange activities scheduled in the 4 days of work, was composed of Mr. Alessandro Criserà , Ms. Elisa Renda, Ms. Diana Constantinescu, representing the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia-Romagna Region, Ms. Patrizia Ravagli from Institute G.Ginanni of Ravenna, Ms. Lina Caterina Minardi from IPSCT Elsa Morante of Sassuolo (MO), Ms. Alice Bellodi of ITC Bodoni of Parma, Ms. Graziella Giorgi of ITC Rosa Luxemburg of Bologna, Ms. Chiara Rani of AIPI Association, and Ms.Rosanna Rossi of the Regional School Department of Emilia-Romagna.

On Wednesday, April 13thpartners of the two regional consortia entered into the heart of the planned activities at the TechnicalHigh School for Railways and Transport in Iasi (CFR). Here, the presentation of the Institute by Mrs. Ada Burescu, who also illustrated some laboratory activities of the school (a railroad engineering lab, and interdisciplinary computer lab, etc..) alternated with moments of intense confrontation on the issue of conflict management, with particular reference to drug use by young people. These insights were guided by Mrs. Mihaela Salariu and Mrs. Roxana Gavrilas in collaboration with Gabriela Guta psychology consultant, on the basis of a case they faced. Following the interventions by the teachers of ITC Ginanni Ravenna and Rosa Luxemburg of Bologna, there was an interesting comparison between two different realities: in Italy, the phenomenon of light drugs’ diffusion and effects, is the subject of a vast literature. In Romania, instead, this phenomenon spread recently, following the opening of business, no longer active, which actually liberalized for some time the intake of some drugs. In the Italian experience, a teacher coordinator, the school psychologist and the Local Sanitary Agency follow established paths of cooperation in handling these cases. Examples of good practice at the Institute are the projects aimed to reduce aggression through the involvement of children in sporting activities, as shown by Mr. Vasile Ciocoiu and Ms. Adina Ursache.

In the afternoon the work continued at Teacher Training Centre of Iasi (CCD), with the presentation by Ms. Maricica Buzescu, expert of the Regional Centre for psychological assistance of pedagogical and psychological assistance of Iasi, on observed types of conflicts that can be managed at school level and types that cannot. In particular, incidence among students and even teachers of verbal conflict, non-verbal and psychological violence cases, were analysed. Finally, Ms. Ileana Savinescu and Ms. Mariela Grigoras, Teacher Training Centre experts, addressed the issue of the reaction and response to conflict, in particular declining the creative response, where the conflict is a challenge and an opportunity for growth. It is important to accept the conflict situation for what it is in order to be able to work, transforming the conflict into opportunities for learning.

Thursday, April 14th the activities focused on violence, but also on conflict prevention done through extracurricular activities that help keep kids off the streets after school. Ana Verginia Munteanu, Headmistress of "Alexandru Vlahuta" School of Iasi, showed delegates Emilia - Romagna many activities that the school offers to its pupils, aged 3 to 14. The presentations of the teachers, Ms. Mirela Marin and Ms. Liliana Constanda, on the results of a survey on the perception by students of verbal and physical violence within and outside school, was followed by a session of "Youth Parliament". This is a body on a voluntary basis in which older students of the Institute are called to express their views on issues of common interest. Split in ruling party ("Party of Modern students) and opposition party (" Party of creative students "), about 20 young people created a lively debate and voted a law for the suppression and prevention of violence school.

The maturity and commitment of the students of the School, also emerged in an artistic moment, with traditional songs and dances, fruit of the patient work of many volunteer teachers for the afternoon workshops. Another example of positive socialization of young people through the important contribution of volunteer teachers - who devote many hours to their students by organizing extra-curricular activities or accompanying them to cultural and recreational activities - was offered to the delegation of the Consortium in Emilia - Romagna, at a replica of "The Baron Munchausen” at the Teatrul "Luceafarul "of Iasi, crowded with attentive and amused children of elementary grades.

The full day of activities was completed with a meeting at the headquarters of the "Save the children" Foundation of Iasi, with the President Ms. Maricica Manole. The organization, in collaboration with the School Inspectorate of Iasi, organizes educational consultancy and training for teachers, workshops with children, special care for children with hardships, mutual exchange of experiences and information with the methodological teachers, under the umbrella of the protection of the rights of children in school, as well as in other situations with other professional groups (courts, police, hospitals, etc.). As explained by the scientific researcher Magurianu Liviu Adrian, "Save the children" also acts through specific national campaigns, especially through video-clip broadcast by TV networks. Among these campaigns, there is one aimed to prevent human trafficking by warning of the false promises of jobs abroad, as there is a growing sense of urgency to protect potential victims, often from the most disadvantaged youth: Romania is more and more country of origin and transit for victims of such exploitation.

The morning of April 15th, at the headquarters of the Teacher Trainig Centre of Iasi, in the presence of the director Prof. Lidia Andronache and of the experts of the institution, offered many opportunities for study and exchange: the encounter with the spokesperson of the Regional Police Inspectorate of Iasi, the deputy police chief Mr. Madalin Taranu, who is also Head of the Department of Crime Analysis and Prevention, showed the continual role of the school policeman in each district school, as a reference point for the prevention and management of conflict and deviance; the presentation of the Headmistress of the Negruzzi College discussed conflicts in a school of excellence where competition is high ( between pupils, students and teachers, including teachers); the delegation of Emilia - Romagna joined a training moment for teachers (as part of a refresher course that committed the Romanian colleagues for three days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday) organized by the CCD on the theme of "Media and Violence", with role-playing games, moments of debate, and presentations by Mrs. Alice Bellodi from ITC "Bodoni of Parma and Mrs. Chiara Rani from AIPI Bologna on educational approaches of the two institutions for the prevention and conflict management among youth.

In the afternoon, Mr. Alessandro Criserà , and Ms. Diana Constantinescu on behalf of the Regional Consortium in Emilia - Romagna and Mrs. Anca Dimitriu the Teacher Training Centre on behalf of the Romanian Consortium, released a live TV interview on the results of YES, hosted by TVR, a national television channel. This represented another occasion to disseminate this profitable European bilateral partnership. This moment will be broadcast by the international Romanian TV channel (TVR International).

The final workshop of YES will start on the 17th May in Bologna and will be focused on: “Key competencies: instruments and methods for dealing with school failure, for offering increased learning opportunities for pupils who risk social marginalization and for increasing pupil motivation”.


The programme of the workshop


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