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Joint report

Experiences of violence and harassment at work: A global first survey

The report is the first attempt to provide a global overview of people’s own experiences of violence and harassment at work, including its main different forms – be it physical, psychological or sexual – and respondents’ experiences with disclosing such occurrences.

The ILO-Lloyd’s Register Foundation-Gallup survey is the first global exploratory exercise to measure people’s own experiences of violence and harassment at work across the world. Based on the survey, the report sheds light on the magnitude and frequency of violence and harassment at work, providing insights into its main forms (that is, physical, psychological and sexual) and on the main barriers that prevent people from talking about it. The report also pays attention to some of the groups most likely to be affected by different types of violence and harassment at work such as youth and migrant.

The ultimate goal of this report is to raise awareness on a long-standing and highly complex issue rooted in wider economic, societal and cultural contexts, including those surrounding the world of work and entrenched gender roles. The report paves the way for further in-depth research and analysis and calls for action to ensure a world of work free from violence and harassment for all in line with the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention (No. 190) and Recommendation (No. 206), 2019.

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Key findings of 'Experiences of violence and harassment at work: A global first survey'
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Key findings of 'Experiences of violence and harassment at work: A global first survey'

Key findings of 'Experiences of violence and harassment at work: A global first survey'
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Key findings of 'Experiences of violence and harassment at work: A global first survey'

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Experiences of Violence and Harassment at Work: A first global survey

Violence and harassment at work has affected more than one in five people

Infographics on the global survey 'Experiences of violence and harassment at work'
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Infographics on the global survey 'Experiences of violence and harassment at work'